5 Reasons Why I Love Evangelistic Preaching

The Good News to an unbeliever is not good until it is actually news.  The gospel is divinely sanctioned to be heard.  If faith cometh by hearing (and it does), then the preacher should be speaking those things pertaining to the gospel.  How else, as Paul contends, can the unregenerate believe?

I love expository preaching.  And I love enthusiastic preaching.  Furthermore, I love evangelistic preaching.  The world needs me to love it, and God commands me to do it.  Evangelistic preaching is not only the call of New Testament Christianity; it is the heartbeat of the church.  A church that fails to make evangelistic preaching its main endeavor has a blockage to say the least.

God did not equip us to go into the world with a faltering, temporal message that fails to change the souls of men.  On the contrary, He armed us with the most radical, life-changing story of History – His Story, the story of grace, the plan of salvation.  As Jerry Bridges puts it, “The gospel is not only the most important message in history; it is the only essential message in all of history.”

Here are five reasons why I love evangelistic preaching:


1. It is the power of God unto salvation.

Only God gives increase…only God.  However, God has called us to sow and water.  In so doing, He has provided the Seed. The Seed is precious, pure, and immutable; it does not change from soil to soil.  Just as The Seed penetrates the soil, the Word of God penetrates the soul.  When divine glory sprouts it does so with life-giving, soul-altering power.  Whenever the gospel is preached, the Seed of salvation has more opportunity to penetrate the heart of humanity.


2. It reminds me of my Savior’s Love.

The gospel is the most unimaginable story that could have ever been devised.  It infinitely surpasses the ingenuity and comprehension of man.  Whenever I hear the gospel being preached, I am reminded of Christ’s eternal, inseparable love for His Church.  It never gets old, it never grows stale. Oh, the unsearchable riches of God’s love.  The world needs to desperately hear about this divine affection.


3. It draws me to repentance.

It is the goodness of God that brings men to repentance.  This is certainly true in the initial moment of salvation when the Holy Spirit regenerates the lost soul; but it is also true as an ongoing work of grace in our lives.  Repentance is not only a one-time occurrence to secure our spot in glory (it is that); but it is also an act whereby I see my sin and the untold suffering it caused my Savior.


4. It fulfills the distinct purpose and call of the church.

Only the church has been commissioned with the gospel message; it has not been allocated to any other group or organization.  Therefore, when the preacher of God’s Word magnifies Christ through the proclamation of His death, burial, and resurrection, He is, in essence, executing the assignment decreed by God Himself.


5. It glorifies God.

Evangelistic preaching brings men to the saving knowledge of Christ which in turn introduces men to their eternal purpose: Magnifying and Glorifying God with their lives.  This will be our eternal state.  As trophies of God’s grace, we will stand as testimonies of the glory of God.  The platform upon which we stand before Holy God was built with the timbers of a rugged cross; all to His glory and praise.


As followers of Christ who sew threads of gospel into the fabric of our everyday conversations, we look for opportunities to invite people to turn from their sin and themselves and trust in Jesus as Savior and Lord.  We don’t just live for people to hear the gospel; we long for people to respond to the gospel.” – David Platt

Written by Kenny Kuykendall