Before You Make a Decision…

What am I going to do?  What degree will I pursue?  Where does God want to lead my family?  Should I put the kids in private school?  Can I afford this?  Should we buy this home?  How can I tell them that?  Am I ready for this?  Should I stay?  Do I go?

Some decisions are trivial, while others are life-changing; either way they have consequences.  Making a decision is something that is accomplished within a moment of time, but the effect has far-reaching and long-lasting results.  That is why it is important not to hastily jump to a conclusion.  Before you make a major decision you should do the following:



Most of the bad decisions we make could be remedied through this first step.  Most of my suffering comes from failure to involve the Lord in the decision-making process.  Several years ago I invested in rental property and failed to ask the Lord if it was the right decision.  From the very first day I have paid the price of not praying about the purchase; there has not been one year since we bought the house that I have not lost a considerable amount of money.  It pays to involve the Lord in every detail and area of your life.



Take time to evaluate every possible angle.  Meditate, ponder, and deliberately think everything through.  Consider the outcome and how it affects your relationship with the Lord, your family, your church, your job.  Consider every detail and the repercussions.  What are the expectations, risks, the rewards?  If you haven’t thought about all the minutiae of your decision take more time; oftentimes it is the little things that give us the biggest trouble.



Seek counsel from others.  Two words that guide my life are “Stay Teachable.”  John Wooden said it best, “It is what you learn after you know it all that counts.”  There is something very confirming about processing your decisions with others who have your best interest at heart.  Ultimately you will be responsible for your decision, but allowing others to assist can shed light on the subject.  Be careful, only process your decision with proven people you can trust.



The Lord instructed us to sit down and count the cost.  You wouldn’t just go out and start building a house without blueprints, a design, and budget so why make life-changing decisions without getting things in order.  Communicate to those involved what needs to be said; have a clear-cut game plan and follow through with resolve and determination.  Prepare for the worst and expect the best.



No, I am not being redundant.  Saturate your decisions in prayer.  Filter every decision you make with these two questions:  “Is this God’s Will? and, “Will this bring Glory to God?”  Before you make a decision, pray, ponder, process, prepare, and keep praying!  The difference between failure and success is often what you do before you make a decision.  Take the time, and take it to God!

Written by Kenny Kuykendall