Book Review: Passionate Parenting by Cary Schmidt

I am about to make a pretty bold suggestion: If you are a parent, and you only have time to read one book this entire year I would greatly encourage you to read Passionate Parenting by Cary Schmidt. Pastor Schmidt was the long-time associate pastor of Paul Chappell at Lancaster Baptist Church in Lancaster, California. He is now the pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Newington, Connecticut.
Cary Schmidt has authored many other books published through Striving Together Publications, but Passionate Parenting is by far his best. His practical insight, easy-to-read style, and honest assessment about his own failures as a parent translate into a very helpful resource for struggling moms and dads.
Let’s admit it- parenting is not easy; it can be down-right frustrating at times. Pastor Schmidt tackles the hard issues and teaches biblical principles with a relevant approach. The book is not just a list of rules that may or may not work in the real world. He gets down to the biggest issue we all have concerning our children: ourselves. The godly parent must be willing to parent himself and surrender to the authority of God if he expects his children to follow suit. Even though the book is aimed toward Parents with Teenagers, you will find it to be practical regardless the age of your child.
This is not just a book to have on your shelf or in your library- this is a book to hold in your heart. Anyone can bring children into the world, but only passionate parents raise a child that has a heart to serve God. You can order your copy by following the link. I am confident this book will be a help to any parent at any stage in child training. Here are a few of my favorite quotes from the book:
“Some would argue today that the church is a failed entity –a flawed proposition. And they attempt a convincing argument. They point out ineffective churches and failed movements. They rehearse the failures of past church leaders. They share their own personal scars and wounds inflicted by fractured church families and carnal Christians. But in every case, it was not God’s model that was flawed. It was unspiritual people who were flawed. Flesh messes up everything. Carnality corrupts. But God’s pattern still works beautifully when Spirit-filled Christians allow it.” –Cary Schmidt
“Good atmospheres like church and school and youth group are wonderful and biblical, but they are secondary to the home. They can really only complement or assist with what you are putting in place first. There is a strong tendency in today’s Christian home to deflect spiritual responsibility onto outside people, organizations, and environments.” –Cary Schmidt
“Do you remember what it is like to be a teenager? For your teenager’s sake- you should.” –Cary Schmidt
“Seek to help your teenager find his identity in family and God. Seek to give him stability at home and in life- by being faithful to your marriage and consistent as a mentor.” –Cary Schmidt
“Your parental authority is established upon your submission to the Highest authority. How you respond to your Father comes right back at you from your kids.” Cary Schmidt
“You are modeling your childhood to your child. You are also modeling parenthood to your child.” Cary Schmidt
“Parent, you and I are just a link in the chain of authority. We are under authority, and modeling obedience is the best way to teach it and receive it. Standing on the solid ground of submission is the best place from which to teach submission.” –Cary Schmidt
“If we want our children to have the right relationship with Christ, we must model it through sincere, transparent humility.” Cary Schmidt
The goal isn’t a conflict-free home or relationships. The goal isn’t sinless parenting. The goal is to picture God’s grace in the home- to repent of sin and resolve the conflict immediately and frequently so that love relationships with God and each other can be the norm. Cary Schmidt
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