Outline: The Seat of a Servant

Text: Matthew 20:20-28
The mother of James and John approached Jesus with an unusual request regarding the position and authority of her two sons. Christ explained to her that service is the key to positional greatness.
1. The Request of the Mother (v21-22)
A. In Relation to the Sons– “grant that these my two sons”
B. In Relation to the Sitting– “sit on thy right and left”
2. The Reply of the Master (v23-24)
A. The Insight was Revealed- “it is not mine to give, it is prepared by God the Father”
B. The Indignation was Received– “when the ten heard it, they were moved with indignation”
3. The Requirements of the Men (v25-28)
A. The Exercise of a Servant Determines Greatness- “whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant”
B. The Example of the Savior Displayed Greatness- “Even as the Son of man”
The kingdom life is one of paradox to the natural law of this world. Greatness is not measured by the authority of the position, but rather by the meekness of the person. We are never more like Christ than when we serve others.
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