Hindrances in Bearing Fruit

The Lord wants us to bear fruit. As a matter of fact, this is the natural order of creation. On the third day, God created the vegetative world and ordered it to produce after its kind. He placed within each plant, tree, shrub, bush, and flower a seed to bring forth fruit. Throughout the history of the world this has been the divine order. God has designed creation in such a way to be self-producing. Again, the Lord wants us to bear fruit.
I believe it is safe to assume that rational, well-meaning Christians want to bear fruit as well. There is not a farmer or gardener I know that wants to work fervently in his garden without any results. There is not a businessperson I know that wants his or her investment to yield no profit. There is not a parent I know that wants to see their child amount to nothing. There is not a pastor I know that wants his church to be stagnant and indifferent with God. Whether we admit it or not, most of us want to be good, productive, fruit-bearing Christians- we want to be successful at whatever we do. So why is it we struggle with bearing fruit as believers?
I believe the answer is simple: while God wants us to bear fruit, and we ourselves want to bear fruit, the enemy certainly does not; so he hinders us as we labor in the field for Christ. In Matthew 13, Jesus gave the parable of the wheat and the tares. He illustrated the hindrances used by the enemy to encumber the people of God. Some of these tactics are still in place today. Consider what Satan will use against you as you try to bear fruit:
1. He Will Use Darkness
The Word of God declares that “while men slept” the enemy came in and sowed tares among the wheat. It is no accident that he chose to invade the field during the dark hours of the night. Consider what darkness will do to the people of God- it will cause us to stumble, it will cause us to sleep, and it will cause us to be scared. Do not allow these dark days to hinder you from producing fruit. Be the light of the world God has called you to be.
2. He Will Use Distractions
After the enemy sowed the tares, some time passed until one day the laborers saw the tares among the wheat. Immediately their labor halted and their fears were embraced. All of a sudden, this little nuisance among the wheat had distracted them from the harvest. Satan still uses little distractions today to keep us from bearing fruit. People, problems, and pleasures will affect your labor if not closely monitored. It is amazing how quickly we can get off course with the smallest of distractions.
3. He Will Use Discouragement
Once the laborers discovered the tares they immediately approached their Master with a discouraged spirit. All of the cultivating, sowing, and laboring seemed to be in vain; so they asked the Lord if they should dig it all up. They were ready to quit on the harvest. We all get discouraged from time to time, but we should be careful not to allow that discouragement to hinder us from bearing fruit.
The Master gave them the answer they needed to hear: Keep Being Farmers! Keep Being Faithful! Keep Being Fervent! and at the end of the world You will be Fruitful!
Are you hindered today? Don’t allow the enemy to rob you from the fruit God wants you to produce.
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