5 Reasons Why Everyone Should be a Giver
It was John Bunyon who said, “You have not lived today unless you have done something for someone who cannot repay you.” Giving is not just an act; it is an attitude, a mindset. Giving may manifest itself in the form of an offering, pledge, or neatly wrapped present, but it is birthed in the heart and nurtured in the soul. The person who constantly pours out the goodness of God from his life will never go wanting.
It has been frequently said that “God will give you to give more than He will give you to keep.” If this is true, we are forced to frequently evaluate our stewardship over God’s daily benefits. To the self-made man, “keeping” is a natural inclination. We hoard up our possessions, invest our savings, collect our treasures and stock-pile our belongings, all in the name of security. We make a living, but we miss out on building a life.
When we selflessly give our last portion of meal to kingdom advancement, God ensures and maximizes scoops from the barrel. He enables us to stand amazed in the kitchen as we prepare each meal with the widow. Giving invites us to participate in the work of grace. God gives to us so that we may give to others. He blesses us so that we can bless others. In reality, life is not about what we own (for we own nothing), it is about how we occupy and steward what God owns. You may argue, “But I worked for this house, or I paid for this car.” And it is probable you did. But it is improbable that you did without the strength, ability, intellect, physicality, and breath of God. Here are a few reasons that giving should be an integral part of our existence.
1. Giving Demonstrates the Grace of God.
In all that we have, all that we do, and all that we are, we should perceive life from God’s grace. Unmerited, unearned, and undeserved favor is the essence of grace; and it is the measure of giving. For God so loved the world that HE GAVE… Every time we give, we testify of God’s grace.
2. Giving is a Measure of Worship.
We bow our heads, close our eyes, and privately open up our wallets and purses while the preacher prayers. Everyone expects us to give, and in reality we don’t mind giving. But if the truth be known, it doesn’t feel like worship, as much as obligation. Giving is worship, it is the essence of worship. And when we consider it as such, it will revolutionize our offerings.
3. Giving Produces Joy.
Sharing what you have is greater than what you have. It was Watchman Nee who said, “When the fruit of your service is out of proportion to the gifts you possess-that is a Blessing!” Anyone who has ever given sacrificially knows the jubilation of releasing such a gift into the hands of another. Our motivation in giving should not merely be to have joy, that would be somewhat selfish, but joy is indeed a byproduct of the selfless life.
4. Giving Helps My Church Fulfill the Great Commission.
Giving helps facilitate the orders we have received to preach the gospel throughout all the world. Though the message of grace is free to all, it does take effort, energy, and money to mobilize such a venture. When we give to a local, Bible-believing, missions-minded, soul-conscious church, we are, in essence helping to reach lost souls with the gospel. If giving was required under the law, how much more should we be willing to freely give during this dispensation of grace? Giving helps give to gospel.
5. Giving Keeps My Focus on Eternal Things.
The apostle Paul said, “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth” (Colossians 3:1-2). Cheerful and authentic giving comes from a fixed heart: a heart fixed on eternal, everlasting, enduring things. The wise investor seeks and looks for investments that will yield a sizeable return. When we invest in stocks, bonds, and various funds, we have no guarantee of their payoff. But those gifts that are aimed for eternity will be enjoyed while the ages roll. Jim Elliot said, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.”
“The world asks what does a man own” said Andrew Murray. But Christ asks, “how does he use it?” Giving is one of the great experiences of the Christian life. Embrace it, enjoy it, and it is certain, God will enlarge it!
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