Outline: Early Will I Seek Thee
TEXT: Psalm 63:1-11
The title of the psalm is consistent with its context- it was given while David was in the wilderness. This psalm was more than likely written while David was running from Absalom his son. David’s search and thirst for God was very real and it began early in the day.
1. David’s Search for God (v1-2)
A. It was an Early Search (v1a)
- “O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee”
- The words “early” and “seek” both imply the period that belongs to the morning.
- David understood the importance of starting the day with the Lord. He woke from his sleep with the intent to find God’s presence.
- What a difference our day would be if we sought God in the earliest portion of the day.
B. It was an Earnest Search (v1b)
- “…my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is;”
- Notice the words “thirsteth” and “longeth.” Both words imply panting, fainting, or pining.
- Nothing could suffice David’s appetite to be with God.
- Also notice that David said “my soul” and “my flesh” both had this desire to be with God. Both his natural and spiritual state longed to be with God.
C. It was an Eager Search (v2)
- “To see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary.”
- David sought God with an expectation- he wanted to see the power and glory of God as he had previously seen.
- It is safe to assume that once you have been in the presence of God nothing else will satisfy your spiritual hunger and thirst.
- David’s love for God’s house is made evident in this verse; and it is obvious that David had been in God’s house previously when the Lord revealed His power.
2. David’s Satisfaction in God (v3-6)
A. Satisfied in the Nature of God (v3)
- “Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee.”
- The word “lovingkindness” is checed in the Hebrew and it means the goodness, the kindness, or the mercy of God.
- This is not only a ministry of God to us, this is a virtue of God; and David has been a recipient of God’s lovingkindness, and proclaims that God’s love is better than life.
B. Satisfied with the Name of God (v4)
- “Thus will I bless thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in thy name:”
- The word bless implies bowing and kneeling during the act of worship and praise.
- This act of worship was accomplished in the name of God- or literally, the authority of worship was produced in and through the name of God.
- David had prayed in God’s name, called upon God’s name, cried out to God’s name; now he would worship and praise the very same name.
C. Satisfied during the Nights with God (v5-6)
- “My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips: when I remember thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night watches.”
- David had sought God early in the morning in the previous verses, and now contends that he found the Lord during the night watches of life.
- Consider how important it is to find Him early so that you can be satisfied with Him during the darkness of the night
3. David’s Strength in God (v7-11)
A. Found in God’s Presence (v7)
- “Because thou hast been my help, therefore in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice.”
- It is certain that David not only found God, but God found David.
- The “shadow of thy wings” refers to the secret place that David so often spoke of.
- David discovered the help that he needed in the presence of God.
B. Found in God’s Protection (v8-10)
- “My soul followeth hard after thee: thy right hand upholdeth me. But those that seek my soul, to destroy it, shall go to the lower parts of the earth. They shall fall by the sword: they shall be a portion for foxes.”
- The hand of God always speaks of authority, power, and dominion. It was the hand of God that not only helped David in the previous verse, but now held David in this verse.
- As a result of being under God’s wings, and in God’s hands, David was protected and sheltered from the enemy.
- As a matter of fact, David realized that his enemies would ultimately be destroyed and devoured.
C. Found in God’s Prevention (v11)
- “But the king shall rejoice in God; every one that sweareth by him shall glory: but the mouth of them that speak lies shall be stopped.”
- In this closing verse, David, although a king on the run, is still indeed a king, and rejoices in his God.
- Those who have told lies against David having slandered his name will be judged by the Lord.
- God will prevent them from doing further damage to the character and testimony of David.
David’s continual search and hunger for God was a characteristic of his life and ministry. How important it is for every believer to find God, and to find God early to face the challenges and difficulties of the day.
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