How Church Attendance Influences Your Children

According to Neil MacQueen, national researcher of church attendance, “Going to church regularly has a dramatic impact on life.” Compiling data from Duke University, Indiana University, The University of Michigan, The Center for Disease Control, Barna Research Group, Gallup, Pew, and the National Institute for Healthcare Research, MacQueen found some interesting facts about the children of regular church attendees. Going to church will:
- Increase the average life expectancy of your children by 8 years
- Significantly reduce your child’s use and risk from Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs
- Dramatically lower their risk of suicide
- Help children rebound from depression 70% faster
- Dramatically reduce their risk for committing a crime
- Improve their attitude at school and increase their school participation
- Reduce their risk for rebelliousness
- Reduce the likelihood that they would binge drink in college
- Improve their odds for a “very happy” life
- Provide them with a life-long moral compass
- Provide children with a caring extended family
Further study also reveals that taking your children to church is far more effective than sending your children to church. When a child attends church with his family, father included, he is twice as likely to attend church in his adult years.
Parents, we must take the initiative to stabilize the spirituality of our children through a faithful and committed lifestyle to Jesus Christ and His Church. Plan to be in church this Sunday, and every week following. Get plugged into the ministries. Realize the impact and influence it has on your children. Involve yourself in the work of the local church and see the difference it will make. Not just in your lifetime, but in generations to come.
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