5 Tips for Developing a Bible-Reading Plan

Have you ever read the Bible all the way through? The secret to spiritual success for the new year will be found in the daily intake of God’s Word. Period. Most of us have difficulty going one day without food. Typically, after just a few short hours, we crave something else to eat. But Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God.” Without a consistent and continual diet of God’s Word, the spiritual man will go hungry. Some of us could be starving at this very moment.
I would like to encourage you, if you haven’t already, to develop a daily Bible-reading plan. If you are one to make resolutions, resolve now to read God’s Word every day. If you don’t like resolutions, then I urge you to change your lifestyle to include Bible-reading on a daily basis.
Just a few suggestions:
Get organized.
Make sure your plan is in an easy-to-follow format, and keep it easily-accessible. Keep it in front of you. Whatever system you use, make sure you keep track. I have found it difficult to read the Bible without proper organization. If you just open it up without specific goals, more than likely you will grow tired and bored (not of the Bible, but with your approach).
Do it Early.
The morning proves to be a time of refreshing and renewal. I say it often, but it is worth repeating, how can you expect to face the conflicts of the day if you have not met with the Creator of the day first? He has a Word for you today, so don’t start without it.
Be Persistent.
It is easy to start reading your Bible, it is harder to continue reading your Bible. Schedule, travel, fatigue, and forgetfulness are the enemies of devotion. Keep a deliberate mindset when it comes to reading. Prepare yourself the night before, and wake up with the right intention.
Utilize Technology.
I personally use an Olive Tree App to keep up with my plan. This plan is free and helps me keep track by marking off each assignment. I can use it on my iPhone or iPad. There are hundreds of resources through various websites and apps; with just a little research you’ll be able to find a plan that suits your needs.
Use a Devotional Guide.
One of the best ways to keep track of Bible-reading is to find a devotional that corresponds with your daily assignments. If you do not have a good devotion guide, I would like to direct you to our ministry Seeds for the Soul (*look below for more info about this free resource). In addition to this plan, I use a variety of devotionals during my Bible-reading time:
My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers (I use this one every year)
A Word to the Wise by Paul Chappell (A daily devotion from the Book of Proverbs)
Prayer, Praise and Promises by Warren Wiersebe (A daily devotion from the Psalms)
A Leader’s Heart by John Maxwell (I use this one every year)
Holiness, Day by Day by Jerry Bridges
This time next year be able to say that you did it – that you read your entire Bible. As Donald Whitney says, “No one is changed by an unread Bible.”
*Seeds for the Soul is a quarterly devotional guide printed and published as a free resource from our church. We offer this free resource in a variety of formats:
1. The Devotional Book. We send out thousands of copies every quarter to many churches and individuals across the United States and around the world. If you would like to receive a free quarterly book, contact our publications office at 770.962.1245 to be added to this growing list
2. The Website. Visit us at seeds4thesoul.com for a daily devotion and Bible-reading plan.
3. Email List. You can receive a daily devotion each and every day by subscribing through our website. Simply give us your email address and we will take care of the rest. Click here to subscribe.
4. The Church App. Seeds for the Soul can be accessed through our church app. Go to the Apple Store or Google Play and type in Cross Roads (two words) Baptist Church. The app includes the daily devotion.
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