3 Things You Can Control Today!

Today you may face challenges and circumstances beyond your control. In life there will always be problems you didn’t ask for, and trials you didn’t sign up for. When such calamities strike, remember there are a few things you can control.
Today you can control your attitude.
Legendary coach John Wooden said, “Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.” The way you respond to a situation oftentimes determines the outcome. The world rarely sees the affliction you face, but they will always remember the attitude you displayed. As someone anonymously said, “When you cannot change the direction of the wind, change the position of your sail.”
Today you can control your platitude.
We have a tendency to slack off during tumultuous times. I mean, who wants to keep rowing in the storm when the wind relentlessly drives you backwards? The truth is, the storm cannot control your effort, only you can. Give it another shot, pick yourself up again, make another attempt. Choose not to quit. Only you can do that.
Today you can control your gratitude.
A.W. Tozer said, “Gratitude is an offering that the poorest of us can make and be not poorer, but richer for having made it.” You may not be able to control what is going on around you, but you can control the thanksgiving of your heart within you.
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