Frustrations in Soul-Winning (One Reason Why You May Find it Difficult)

I have never met a genuinely-regenerated, authentically born-again believer who desires for others to go to hell. I believe God places in our spiritual DNA an aspiration to see others saved, and to tell them about Christ. We want to do it, we have been commanded to do, we may even have a desire to do it…but let’s be honest, most of us don’t do it, at least the way we should.
For some reason, we would rather hang out with Jesus at the well and discuss the theological issues of our day instead of running back to Samaria with the watery words of hope. Sure, discussing the profound truths of the universe is intriguing, but those dying of spiritual thirst desperately need a drink from the eternal fountain…or at least a voice to direct them to it. The woman at the well didn’t need a degree to tell others, she just needed a drink.
Let’s admit it, soul-winning is difficult, and perhaps it is difficult because there is this misconception that we are the ones doing the winning. Sinners saved by grace are not our trophies to claim. Frustrations in evangelism take place when we attempt to the do the work of the Divine. Let’s be clear, we can save no one! We didn’t prepare salvation from the mysterious corridors of eternity past. We didn’t die on a cross for the sins of humanity. We can’t do the incomparable drawing of sinners to Christ like the Holy Spirit does. We can’t eternally write a name in the heavenly record book of the Lamb. God hasn’t called us to do any of those things, and perhaps this is where our defeat comes into play.
The work of the sower is simply to give seed…some on hard ground, some on shallow ground, some on thorny ground, and some on fertile ground. The sower cannot do the life-giving work underneath the surface. Such a miracle takes place in the unseen places of the field. Such is the responsibility of God – He alone gives increase. The woman at the well didn’t try to save anyone, she just had a burden to point them to the one who could. Huge difference.
Soul-winning becomes less cumbersome and more appealing when we appropriate responsibilities. We are responsible to go, tell, and shine our lights. Christ alone is responsible to save. When you relieve yourself of such a divine weight, you will be more prone to run to the thirsty and tell them where they can get the water.
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