My Joyful Response to a Recently-Answered Prayer

I don’t know why it surprises me when my heavenly Father answers prayer; but, in all honesty, sometimes it does. It shouldn’t. He has promised to provide for my every need. As a matter of fact, He has invited me to lay aside the most miniscule of necessities on the altar of His provision. “Take no thought for your life,” He says…but I occasionally think. “Take no thought for your food, or shelter, or clothing,” He declares…but I often ponder. In the midst of my troubles and cares, He graciously and daily reminds me that He is Jehovah-Jireh, this is an inescapable virtue of my relationship with Him.
Being shocked by his provision is no more absurd than my son being shocked that he slept under my roof last night, or ate from my pantry this morning. My child is not surprised by my provision; that is the role I have assumed in his life by being his father. Thankful, grateful, and appreciative he is, but rarely shocked.
I think God glories in such child-like faith. You know, the kind of faith that naturally leans on His presence; like a stumbling toddler who reaches for his daddy’s hand. The inclination of such a position is one of dependency. A falling child is never shocked that his father catches him; he is surprised when his father does not. David MacIntyre said it like this, “The prayer of faith springs from a divinely-implanted disposition, there is nothing mysterious in the act of faith. It is simply an assurance which relies upon a sufficient warrant.” “A sufficient warrant” is an understatement when it comes to the promises of God. So, why should we be surprised when God answers our prayers? Thankful, grateful, and appreciative we should be, but never shocked
Yesterday, God answered a very specific prayer in my life. Not only did He answer above and beyond my request, but He answered, as always, in impeccable timing. It seemed like I had been waiting on God, but really He had been waiting on me. When I finally reached for His hand, He was there. No surprise…He is my Father.
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