Embracing Your Accessible Authority

Years ago, a neighbor’s grandson entered into our home unannounced and uninvited. Seeing him for the first time, we were alarmed by the grand entrance. Little did we know that our children had befriended him and gladly offered him a refreshment from our kitchen. When we investigated the matter, the “intruder” suddenly became a guest, then a neighbor, and finally a friend. His boldness to enter was made possible by the invitation of my sons.
The Blood Secures Our Boldness
What grand privilege we have obtained in the offer and the offering of the Son of God. Christ’s death on the cross did not only secure our eternal salvation, but also validated our coming before the Father through the gateway of prayer. We have access, beloved! Swing wide the door and boldly lay claim to your inheritance. You have divine admission through the invitation of Jesus Christ! That cumbersome veil has been torn. Those religious sanctions have been lifted. That middle wall of partition has been broken down. The only thing that stands between you and God is the Son. Think it not lightly: You sit where Jesus sits, you abide where Jesus abides, you live as Jesus lives.
What an audacious claim, “Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh; And having an high priest over the house of God.” Such a statement is not offered from the lips of a weakling, but rather an overcomer, one who has gladly approached the throne with confidence and faith. He goes on to admonish his readers, “Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith…” (Hebrews 10:19-21). Let me ask you, do you approach God in this manner when you pray?
We Have a Mediator
Why did the little boy barge into our house unannounced? The same reason you and I can, with full assurance, approach God in prayer – we have a Mediator! We have a Go-Between! We have a High Priest Who abides in the House! Therefore, the death of Christ did not only secure your standing in heaven when you die, it secures your standing in heaven now when you pray!
Therefore, pray with power, pray with boldness, pray with faith, and with full assurance, and with audacity, and with hope. Pray, not as an orphan, or a nomad, or a defeated hell-bound sinner…but pray as a son, as a citizen of heaven, as a saint of God who has been granted full and total access to the throne of grace. Such authority has been granted you by the costly, and all-sufficient death of Christ, the Son of God. Such authority grants you full access to all of the Father’s pantry and estate. You have not, because you ask not. And the reason why you ask not is probably because you have forgotten who you are and Whose you are. Pray, beloved, pray as one with bold access. You are no longer an intruder, you are no longer just a guest, you are a friend, you are a son, you are in Christ. Make your grand entrance today before the throne and embrace the accessibility God has given you to come before Him in prayer!
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