Six Questions Every Pastor Should Ask Himself to See if He is Distracted

It was so small, so miniscule, so seemingly insignificant that at first glance no one would not have noticed the variation. It didn’t take long, however, until the laborers discovered that the insidious plant growing among the budding wheat wasn’t really wheat at all. Known as the “bearded darnel,” the tare was an imposter, a fake, a poisonous grass that could potentially kill off any livestock that came into grazing distance. This satanic seed was not only sown with the intention to destroy the crops of the master but to simultaneously distract those servants who were employed in the labor of the master’s service.
Fast forward two thousand years from this parabolic warning and the tactics of the enemy have not really changed that much. Sure, the agricultural setting of the parable may not be as relatable or recognizable in our post-modern world, but the ability of the enemy to distract the workers of God is just as cunning and just as diabolical as ever before.
It’s amazing what distracts us these days. From viral videos to cultural issues, to social media squabbles, we seem to be enamored and preoccupied with mountains of meaningless drivel. As pastors and ministers of the gospel we must arm ourselves against “planted” diversions that are intentionally being used to deflect us from the business of “the main thing.”
Here are seven questions I have to frequently ask myself to see if I am being distracted from my work:
1. What Bothers Me?
It’s embarrassing to admit, but I have at times become frustrated and aggravated by stupid and inconsequential nothingness. You know what I mean? Somebody I don’t know saying something that doesn’t involve me about situations that I am not a part of. A few comments here, a couple of posts there and before I realize it, I am ticked off about something that has no bearing on my life or ministry. When I get bothered by idiocy, the devil has succeeded at minimizing my ministry focus. If I am disturbed by the news anchor on a liberal network more than I am by the lost soul three doors down, I have misaligned my priorities.
2. What am I Busy Doing?
What do I do with my time? How much of my day is spent bringing value, purpose, and spiritual benefit to me and those around me. If you want a gut-wrenching blow to your time-management skills, get out your phone and check your screen time status…crickets, I know. The truth is, we all waste a lot of time on “stuff” that has little to no impact in the grand scheme of life and eternity. When we take inventory of the way we spend our time, we may very well discover that the devil has distracted us in ways we don’t even realize.
3. What am I Battling?
How disheartening it is to see all the infighting among those who claim to be workers in the field. Such wrangling is not confined to one group or one camp but can be seen throughout the entire spectrum of all spiritual circles. We must continually remind ourselves that we wrestle not with “flesh and blood” but against principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places. The enemy is shrewd in his ability to turn allies against one another. The schisms in the church, the division among preachers, the vitriol we see on social media is the direct result of Satan pitting blood-bought brothers against one another. This can only happen when we become distracted in the warfare.
4. What am I Building with my life?
Noah would have never built an ark if he had wasted all his time and energy on the distracting nay-sayers and talking heads of his day. Churches, ministries, families, and life in general can never grow within the scope of a distracted vision. Anyone with a sledgehammer can tear down something, but it takes a skilled artisan with a crafted vision to build and construct things that will benefit others. As pastors we must ask the hard questions: What am I building? How am I adding to the foundation? Am I following the blueprints or am I fixated with the designs of the world? It is the focused, intentional builder who gets to see and enjoy his family, his church, his ministry, and his life safely nestled in the ark.
5. What am I Becoming?
Whatever we focus on and whatever captures our attention will be the very things that define and characterize our life. A man grows in conjunction with his thoughts and ideas. When he allows his mind to become distracted with the noise of the world, he unknowingly forms behaviors that coincide with those distractions. Give it enough time, and the behavior forms character and character eventually solidifies our reputation and testimony. I have seen seasoned, well-intended ministers become so distracted with the nuances of “nothingness” that before they realize it, they lose their joy in serving the Lord. If you want to know what you are becoming, then ask yourself, “What I am focused on?”
6. What do I Believe in?
Do you feel bogged down with distractions? Are you conflicted with double-mindedness? Are you frustrated with the tares? Then let the truth make you free! Take the counsel of the master and stop being preoccupied with those small, pesky, little distracting things and let truth have her perfect work in you. If you believe the Book, if you hunger for truth, if you know that God’s Word is sufficient for all the issues of life, look therein and find the remedy for all this spiritual shortsightedness. Believe in God, believe in righteousness, believe in good works, believe in truth, believe in virtuous living and from that vantage point, go out and reap the harvest.