My Devotional Book List for 2017

In his book, The Divine Mentor, author Wayne Cordeiro said, “When you miss your devotions one day, you notice. When you miss them two days, your spouse and kids notice. And when you miss them three days, the world notices.” A daily devotion is a necessity for the Spirit-filled life. Those who do not feed their souls with spiritual things are certain to feed their souls with other things. The greatest intake for such a diet is a daily dose of the Word of God. No book, article, or social media post from your favorite follower should be a substitute for the Word of God.
With that being said, one of the reasons why I prefer using a devotional in my devotion time is because it keeps me on track. It provides a resource for me to take notes and journal my thoughts and prayers. It stimulates ideas from others. Some of the devotional books I plan to use next year are included in the list below. Though I typically use 4-5 different daily devotionals , I have expanded this list to offer a little more variety.
The Christian in Complete Armour
by William Gurnall
Classic devotional on a variety of issues but spiritual warfare is the prevalent theme. Wonderful devotional that specializes in calling the soldier of Christ to arms.
How Great is Our God
Compilation of Various Authors (Bridges, Ferguson, Murray, Tozer, Packer, Blackaby, Sproul, etc.)
I love this devotional. Each devotion deals with various attributes of God. The devotional has a great sense of reverence and awe. Daily reminders of the holiness, righteousness, bigness of God.
Paul Chappell
This devotional chronicles the gospel of Luke with an emphasis on calling believers to follow Jesus Christ. I like the idea of walking through one book throughout the whole year. If you stay with it, you will have read not only the Bible all the way through, but will also have a better understanding of Luke’s Gospel.
Tozer for the Christian Leader
A.W. Tozer
This 365-day devotion has daily excerpts from various Tozer books with an emphasis on ministry leadership. Doing what Tozer does best, he calls the church to complete and total surrender marking out the various plagues of New Testament Christianity.
Voices from the Past, Volume 1 and Volume 2
Compilation of Puritan Writers (Baxter, Owens, Flavel, Bunyon, Gurnall, Brooks, etc.)
Both of these volumes are richly doctrinal and surprisingly practical. Most devotionals are light-hearted and offer very little substance regarding doctrine; not so with these. Wonderful treasure of daily biblical substance.
Wisdom from Above
Charles Stanley
This devotional deals with a proverb every single day. With 31 chapters in the book of Proverbs, Stanley is able to carry you through the book twelve times throughout the year, highlighting specific verses each day. Stanley offers very practical advice for godly living and coping with the troubles of life.
My Utmost for His Highest
Oswald Chambers
Every library should have this classic volume. This was the first devotional I ever had, and I still refer to it throughout the year. There are a variety of resources online that would give you free access to this classic.
New Morning Mercies
Paul Tripp
This daily devotion is gospel-oriented in the sense that it deals with a gospel message every day. The idea behind this volume is to get the believer gospel-oriented as he goes about his life. I love the premise of this book.
Morning and Evening
Charles Spurgeon
By far, Morning and Evening is one of my all-time favorites. I rarely read one of Spurgeon’s sermons without getting a little side-tracked; not so with his devotionals. His lyrical style, captivating thoughts, and brilliant expressions are just what the good doctor ordered for a meaningful daily devotion. A must-have for every believer.
A Collection of Seasons
Kenneth Kuykendall
Ok, I know it’s a little shameless to include this one on the list, but I wanted you to know it is available, and I would love for you to have a copy. This is the result of several years of my personal daily devotions. I have organized the months as seasons. For example, all of January is a season of prayer where each devotion is centered around talking to God.
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