5 Qualities of a Strong YOUTH Group

I am writing this after the close of one of the best Youth Sunday’s we have had at our church. Recently we have had several of our young men called to the ministry: one on the mission field, one into youth ministry, one into the pastorate, and several surrendered to full-time Christian service. I praise the Lord that He is still speaking to those who will hear His voice.
Such surrender however, does not come without spiritual investments.
I am thankful for parents who contend with busy calendars, hectic schedules, and multiple obligations. I am thankful that they prioritize church attendance and faithful Christian service. I am thankful for the way they live Christ in front of their children.
I am also thankful for youth workers who put in hours only tabulated in Glory. I am thankful for their commitment, burden, and consistency in following Christ. I am thankful for lessons taught, prayers prayed, and gifts given.
Furthermore I am thankful for young people who are not afraid to stand in their generation as a beacon of light. I am thankful for their service, their gifts, and for their hunger to grow in the Lord Jesus Christ. I am thankful for what God is doing in their lives and for the fact that they are ALREADY making a difference. They are not the church of tomorrow, they are the church of TODAY!
To continue in the grace of God may we all, (parents, workers, and students) be committed to 5 simple truths as it pertains the YOUTH. Here are 5 qualities of a faithful YOUTH:
Y- Yielded.
I say this all the time, but it is one of my life statements, “The greatest life you can live is the life God has prepared for you.” Place your heart in His Hands. Be willing to go, do, say, and become whatever He wills. Work at being a vessel of honor, and it is certain that God will use you.
O- Optimistic.
Young people serving the Lord should be the most respectable, kind, optimistic people in their generation. Nothing says “I love Jesus” more than a gracious attitude toward teachers, parents, and peers. Honor God with your attitude, and God will honor you. Be eager and willing to get to church, serve the Lord, and grow in grace.
U- Unified.
A strong family is a unified family. A strong church is a unified church. It goes without saying; a strong youth group is a unified youth group. Stay away from cliques and groups that desire to gossip and bring drama to your life. The best way to stay unified as a youth group is for each member to live passionately for Jesus Christ.
T- Trustworthy.
NEVER put yourself in a situation that would compromise the name of Christ. NEVER do anything that would bring a reproach to your testimony of faith. NEVER do anything away from your youth group that you wouldn’t be embarrassed to do in the company of your youth group. In order to be worthy of someone’s trust you must be trustworthy. If someone gives you a task, do it to the best of your ability, on time, and with a thankful spirit.
H- Hungry.
More than anything else, thirst after God. Develop a daily devotion. Talk to Jesus before you talk to anyone else in the morning times. Pray and read your Bible throughout the day. Close the day with family devotion and quiet time. God promises to fill those who hunger and thirst after righteousness. Live every day as though it is the only day to be examined at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Keep going, keep growing, and keep showing the glory of God in your life.
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